Dankner sets up new investment fund with Saudis
Israeli business mogul says sees 'huge potential in emerging markets, which serve as long-term growth engine'
(Bloger: Dankner merencanakan investasi modal baru dengan Saudi.
Taipan bisnis Israel mengatakan lihatlah "kemunculan potensial luarbiasa dari pasar yang sedang bangkit, kebangkitan pasar ini akan menjadi mesin pertumbuhan jangka panjang bagi ekonomi Israel. )
Navit Zomer
An interesting collaboration between Israel
and Saudi Arabia has come to light. IDB Group, chaired by Nochi
Dankner, is establishing a $1 billion investment fund together with
Saudi partners in Swiss bank Credit Suisse to invest in emerging markets
in Latin America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
(Bloger: Sebuah kerja sama apik antara Israel dan Saudi Arabia telah bersemi. Kelompok IDB, yang diketuai oleh Nochi Danker, tengah merancang sebuah pendanaan investasi senilai 1 Trilyun Dolar bersama rekanannya dari Saudi di bank kredit Swiss untuk menanam modal dalam pasar yang tengah tumbuh pesat baru-baru ini di Amerika Latin, Asia, Eropa, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika)
The fund will be called EMCO and will be the first investment
collaboration of its kind between an Israeli company and a the Saudi
investment company belonging to the Olayan family, a Qatari government
investment company, and Swiss bank Credit Suisse, in which IDB holds
3.2% of its shares.
(Penanaman modal tersebut disebut sebagai EMCO dan merupakan investasi pertama seperti ini antara perusahaan Israel dan perusahaan penanaman modal Saudi yang merupakan milik keluarga Olayan, sebuah perusahaan milik pemerintah Qatar, dan bank kredit Swiss, padamana IDB mempertahankan 3,2 persen pembagiannya.)
IDB will invest $250 million in the fund in accordance with the
rate of investment. The investments will be made via two of IDB's
subsidiaries – Koor Industries and Clal Insurance.
The fund's first investment priority will be in crude oil, gas, and coal. One of its top countries for investment is Indonesia.
Nochi Dankner, who holds the controlling interest in IDB, said,
"Being significant share holders in Credit Suisse for two years allows
for a unique opportunity to establish a joint Credit Suisse fund with
three of the bank's large shareholders.
see large potential in emerging markets, which are a long-term growth
engine of the global economy. The strengthening of the emerging markets
is part of a significant political-economic process occurring in the
world – one of whose peaks was the financial crisis – which in its
essence is the transfer of economic hegemony from the West to the East.
"This move is an important layer in our strategy to continually
expand IDB's activities abroad while creating a balanced business mix of
investments in developing markets and in emerging markets."
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